Monday, June 24, 2013

Outdoors vs. Indoors: What’s the Benefit to your Vision?

There has been a recent movement to get kids off the couch and out the door. From child obesity to the effect on the developing brain, video games and TV are being discouraged in favor of outdoor exercise and free play.

But did you know that outdoor play could also be beneficial to children’s vision? Studies show that being outdoors can significantly reduce the likelihood that a child will develop myopia (nearsightedness).  Up to 50% less likely, in fact.

So how much time does a child have to spend outside to get these physical benefits? It’s recommended they spend 1 hour a day in the wintertime and 3 hours a day in the summertime. Of course, you want to make sure your children as still protected by sunglasses and sunblock (not to mention appropriately supervised).

But beyond the obvious benefits like a lower risk for child obesity and more activity/growth for your child’s brain, it’s interesting to note that being outdoors helps in areas like vision as well.
So get your kiddos off the couch and out the front door! It’s good for their health in a myriad of ways. Do you have thoughts on the advantages of outdoor exercise for children? Share them in the comments below.

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